by | Feb 14, 2024 | Basketball, High School Basketball, NCAA Basketball

What city are you from and how did you get started playing the game of basketball?

My name is Nicholas Wuthrich and I’m in the class of 2029. I am from Brampton, Ontario and I started playing basketball after I went to a Raptors 905 game. After the game I had told my mom that I wanted to play basketball. She signed me up for basketball clinics when I was six at a rec centre and after that I just took off.

Who was your favourite basketball player growing up?

Growing up my favourite basketball player was Kyle Lowry. Just because when I was young I mainly watched the Raptors and he stood out to me the most.

Who is currently your favourite player ?

 My current favourite basketball player is Shai. The reason why is because I personally like to model my game after his and just the fact of him being Canadian shows me that it’s possible to be where I’d like to be one day.

What does a regular day for you look like ?

On a regular day for me, I wake up at 5:30am, leave for school at 6:30am. I go to Royal crown academic school where school is an hour away from home. I then have class from 8am to 1140am, and after class I eat lunch and usually go to the weight room or the gym to get some shots up. I then have class from 12:55pm to 2:20pm and then the weightroom from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. After the weight room I have practice from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. After practice I have study hall until I leave school at 5:30pm. I get home from school usually at 6:45pm and then eat some dinner and go to training with DT from 8:00pm to 9:30pm. 

How does it feel to be in grade 8 playing high school basketball?

 To be in grade 8 playing high school basketball is a good experience for me to get to learn from my big bros and to play against tougher competition which will prepare me for the future.

You play with a lot of confidence and a chip on your shoulder,

  1. What is your goal going into games ?
  2. Where does your confidence come from ? 

Going into games my goal is to be a team leader and to get my teammates involved. When I am on the court I like to challenge myself with the mentality to kill anyone who is in front of me.

My confidence comes from being in the gym 7 days a week, knowing that I put in lots of hard work. Basketball has been my focus and I stay locked in. So when I get on the court, I know imma win.

What’s your ultimate basketball goal ?

My ultimate basketball goal is to go to a D1 school and eventually enter the NBA Draft or play at the highest level possible.

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now and what are you doing to make it a reality ?

5 years from now I see myself committed to a Division 1 basketball school. In order for myself to make that a reality I plan to perform in the classroom as well as I do on the court. The goal is to get 1% better everyday.